Thursday, December 2, 2010

Another Birthday

Today could be Thanksgiving. I am grateful that my mother has celebrated her 86th birthday. It was not like any other birthday since she's now living in the nursing home, but it was still a good day for her. By the time I called her at 9:00 AM she had already been wished good things by many people; she had balloons tied to her walker; and she was totally aware of her age!
( something that doesn't always happen)
We brought her a special lunch, presents, a cake and her friend Stanley and ate in the family room upstairs--away from the usual craziness of meal time in the dining room. She truly beamed at all the attention and looked like a little kid when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

I am purposely writing this before I speak to her tonight, because I want to document good feeling about the day and I fear that in our nightly conversation on the phone it will be clear to me that she has no recollection of our visit. So, for the next 15 minutes I can revel in the knowledge that she had a good time and we celebrated another birthday with her. It may not seem like much, but I'll take it!