Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Tenderest Moment

As I visited my mom and uncle in the nursing home I was privileged to witness such a sweet moment between them. They are probably the most devoted brother and sister that I have ever seen, and have really spent most of their adult lives living closer and sharing more experiences than most siblings ever do.

First, my uncle was still in bed when we got to his room. My mom sweetly kissed his cheek and whispered how she wishes he'd feel so much better each day. He gently kissed her cheek and told her that he wishes every day that their old age lives could be different. Later, after lunch, he needed to wash his hands. She so tenderly moved his wheelchair to the sink and got the soap on his hands that I nearly cried, but felt like a voyeur watching them with this simple task. She helped him get the paper towels and made sure that his fingers (gnarled with arthritis) were dry. Amazingly, she commented that he dries his fingers (one at a time) just like their "Papa" always did--amazing, because she remembered something meaningful from their past!
Finally, she commented that their father was the most patient person she ever met.

This seemingly mundane snippet in the day was so tender and loving that even my mother's roommate's mother had tears in her eyes as she witnessed it. These small moments of humanity and love bring new meaning to the day.

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