Thursday, September 8, 2011

A time to look forward and a time to look back

This weekend our son Scott married Stacey. It was a wonderful wedding in a pastoral setting in New Hampshire. Everything about the weekend was lovely--the bride (who is a beautiful person in all ways); the food ( much of it prepared by Stacey); the weather; the people and the relaxed atmosphere. It was picture perfect to see our son and his wife truly enjoy the company of close family and friends--the sheer joy on their faces was everything a parent could wish for their child.

All weddings present time to look to the future of the bride and groom. The wishes for good health, happiness, success, friendship and a life of dreams come true are all so genuine. It is also a time for the parents to reminisce about their child's life as a baby, child and young adult. It's a time to also think of ourselves when we stood side by side and took our vows. It' a time to remember all those who stood with us and wished us well in what seems like a minute ago, but really is "ancient history".

Then came the time to miss all of those who came before and helped to shape our lives and the lives of that sparkling bride and groom. I was especially aware of missing my sweet dad who would have loved a party on a farm in New Hampshire, and my mom who always loved to travel but couldn't possibly make the trip this time. I thought of my uncle whose presence was represented by a guitar solo played by his talented nephew, the groom. These were fleeting moments in an entire weekend. Yet, the pause was necessary for taking stock of the passage of time.

I even looked at my adorable grandsons and projected the day that they will stand beside the woman of their dreams--of course I prayed to be there to share it with them. I also prayed for their happy and productive futures and became misty-eyed at the notion that in no more than a blink, the young will be fully grown and the middle aged will be the older generation. Such is the way of the world.

Weddings put it all in perspective--we all share the bond of new love that ages like the finest wines. We all hope to realize our most daring dreams. And, we all need the time to remember where we came from before we can move forward to our newest adventures.

Thanks to all those who came before who made the wedding of today and the hope of the future come to be a reality.

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