Monday, February 3, 2014

New Year...Same Old, Same Old

With the dawn of a new year we always have hopes that things will change.  We are always aware that they can change for the better or worse, but change is our dream.  Not so with my Mom's nursing home. We visited Mom the other day. We were greeted by the news that her hearing aid is lost (AGAIN!).  The aides and nurses claim that she had them as of 8:30 AM, but one was missing by 10:30 AM.  Do I believe it?  Not sure.  Yes, Mom does take them out occasionally, but the "fishy" part is their claim that she had them so early in the morning.  Most of the time that I visit she is just being given her hearing aids at 11:30 AM.  So, what to believe????

I am so sick of thinking about and searching for, hearing aids!  Mom does wear them, and is very aware of their usefulness.  Good thing I kept the old ones that were lost, then found.  See... hearing aids ad nauseum.  We will try the recommended clips to prevent this happening any other times, but I have little faith.

The New Year seemingly is promising to be too much like the old one.

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